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发布日期:2024-08-16 10:17    点击次数:112



As the esports industry continues to grow and evolve, it's not uncommon to hear of players and coaches transferring to new teams and even different games. However, one role that often goes unnoticed in terms of transfers is that of the esports manager. In this article, we'll explore the concept of an esports manager transferring to a new team and new game, specifically an esports manager in League of Legends.

Reasons for Transfer

As with any job, there may come a time where an esports manager feels it's time for a change. There are different reasons why they may feel this way, including wanting new challenges or a bigger opportunity. They may also feel that they've reached their limit in their current position and need a new challenge to grow further. In some cases, it may be due to conflict with the current team or organization, which can be a driving force behind a manager's transfer.

The Process of Transferring as an Esports Manager

Transferring as an esports manager can be a complex process, particularly when transferring to a different game entirely. It often involves securing a transfer to a new organization or team, negotiating a new contract, and adjusting to working in a new environment. Managers may have to learn a new game, adhere to different roles and responsibilities, and work with different team members who have their own set of personalities and playstyles.

The Challenges of Transferring as an Esports Manager

One of the major obstacles an esports manager may face during a transfer is adjusting to the culture and structure of the new team or organization. Different teams and organizations have their own way of doing things, often reflecting their values and traditions. The manager may have to adapt to these new approaches in order to work effectively with the team. Additionally, the esports manager may have to adjust to the new game they are managing, adapting to new gameplay mechanics, strategies, and nuances.

Benefits of the Transfer

Despite the challenges, there can be many benefits to making a transfer as an esports manager. For one, a new team or organization may offer a new perspective on the esports industry, giving the manager new opportunities for growth and development. Additionally, a new team may provide a fresh start and new challenges to tackle, which can be both exciting and rewarding.


Transferring as an esports manager can be a daunting experience, particularly when moving to a new game entirely. However, with the right mindset and preparation, it can be a gateway to new challenges and opportunities for growth. Ultimately, it's up to the individual esports manager to determine whether a transfer is the right choice for them and their career.