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发布日期:2024-05-13 15:55    点击次数:168



With the rapid development of the gaming industry, more and more young people are getting involved in esports. In China, esports has become a national phenomenon and has gained considerable attention from the government and the public alike. As the country celebrates its 70th anniversary, a group of patriotic esports players have formed the "Esports Patriotic Youth Formation" (电竞爱国青年方队) to show their love for the country through gaming.

The Formation

The Esports Patriotic Youth Formation is made up of young players from all over the country who are passionate about gaming and want to make a difference. They are dedicated to promoting patriotism and national unity through esports, and they believe that gaming can be a powerful tool for social change. The formation has been active on social media platforms, such as Weibo, and has gained a following among gamers and non-gamers alike.

The Message

The formation is not just about playing games or showing off their skills. They are also committed to promoting the values of patriotism and national unity. They believe that esports can be a vehicle for promoting these values and creating a sense of pride and unity among the Chinese people. Through their actions, they hope to inspire others to love their country and contribute to its success.

The Impact

The formation has already had a significant impact on the gaming community in China. They have helped to raise awareness of the positive influence esports can have on society and have encouraged more young people to participate in gaming. The formation has also shown that gaming can be used to promote social values and that playing games can be a patriotic act.

The Future

The Esports Patriotic Youth Formation is just getting started, and they have big plans for the future. They want to continue promoting patriotism and national unity through gaming and hope to inspire more young people to join them in their mission. They also plan to expand their reach by participating in regional and national competitions, as well as creating more content on social media to reach a wider audience.


The Esports Patriotic Youth Formation is an inspiring example of how gaming can be used for social change. Their dedication to promoting patriotism and national unity through esports is commendable, and they have already had a significant impact on the gaming community in China. As the formation continues to grow, they will undoubtedly inspire even more young people to become patriotic gamers and contribute to the success of their country.