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发布日期:2023-12-21 16:03    点击次数:77



Lee Sang-hyeok, better known by his in-game name Faker, is a South Korean professional gamer, currently playing for the South Korean League of Legends team T1. Widely considered as one of the greatest players in the history of League of Legends, Faker has won multiple titles and accolades throughout his career.

The Interview

In a recent interview, Faker spoke about his career and his hopes for the future. He talked about the challenges he faced early in his career and how he overcame them, as well as the importance of teamwork and communication in esports. He also shared his thoughts on the future of esports and his ambitions for the years to come.

Overcoming Challenges

Faker started his professional gaming career at a young age, and he faced a lot of pressure and skepticism from others early on. But he didn't let that discourage him, and he worked hard to prove himself as a talented player. In the interview, he talked about how he learned to manage his emotions and stay focused during matches, which helped him overcome the obstacles he faced.

The Importance of Teamwork

For Faker, success in esports is all about teamwork and communication. He stressed the importance of building strong relationships with your teammates, both in and out of the game. He also talked about the need for clear and effective communication, especially when it comes to making strategic decisions during matches.

The Future of Esports

Faker believes that esports will continue to grow and become even more popular in the years to come. He sees it as a legitimate form of competition and entertainment, and he thinks that more and more people will come to appreciate its value. He also talked about the potential for new games and new opportunities in the industry.

Ambitions for the Future

Despite all of his success and achievements, Faker is still motivated to accomplish even more in his career. He talked about his desire to continue improving his skills and helping his team succeed. He also expressed his hope to inspire and mentor younger players, and to help promote esports as a legitimate and respected profession.


In conclusion, Faker is not only one of the greatest players in the history of esports, but he is also a thoughtful and ambitious individual. In the interview, he shared his insights into the challenges and opportunities of esports, and he demonstrated his commitment to teamwork and personal growth. As the industry continues to evolve and expand, we can look to players like Faker for guidance and inspiration.